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  • HVM is hardware and faster
  • PV is Paravirtualization and usually slower

The networking scripts that come with xen are going to be phased out because they do not work all the time. You should setup bridge manually.


Xen Dom0 Memory Limit


Configure Domain 0 Memory

By default on a Xen system the majority of the hosts memory is assigned to dom0 on boot and dom0's size is dynamically modified ("ballooned") automatically in order to accomodate new guests which are started.

However on a system which is dedicated to running Xen guests it is better to instead give dom0 some static amount of RAM and to disable ballooning.

The following examples use 1024M.

In order to do this you must first add the dom0_mem option to your hypervisor command line. This is done by editing /etc/default/grub and adding

# Xen boot parameters for all Xen boots

at the bottom of the file.

Note : On servers with huge memory, Xen kernel crash. You must set a dom0 memory limit. Take care on Wheezy, 1024M is not enough and cause kernel crash at boot with out-of-memory message.

Remember to apply the change to the grub configuration by running update-grub!

Then edit /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp to configure the toolstack to match by changing the following settings:

(dom0-min-mem 1024)
(enable-dom0-ballooning no)

At this point you should reboot so that these changes take effect.

Xen Repair Corrupted Filesystem Images

  • Do this:
fsck.ext4 -y -f /home/vm/vm01.img


fsck.ext3 -y -f /home/vm/vm01.img


fsck.ext2 -y -f /home/vm/vm01.img


xfs_check -f /home/vm/vm01.img

... the case for your filesystem type.

Xen Shutdown CIFS

Normal shutdown kills networking and CIFS before the domU's shutdown.

Shutdown your domU's as part of your drop to runlevel 0.

or just

xm shutdown --all

Xen Mount Loop Image

Links Below


Xen Grow Disk

Debian Xen

Persist Across Reboots

Debian has scripts in place:



apt-get install xen-linux-system
apt-get install xen-qemu-dm-4.0
dpkg-divert --divert /etc/grub.d/08_linux_xen --rename /etc/grub.d/20_linux_xen

May want to do this eventually to limit dom0 ram:

# Xen boot parameters for all Xen boots



then edit

(dom0-min-mem 1024)
(enable-dom0-ballooning no)

You would then need to reboot.

Install python-xml

Debian removed python-xml because it has not been updated.

You need it for the command xm new so:


(You may have to go to that site and get a direct link)

cp -r PyXML-0.8.4/xml/parsers/xmlproc/ \
cp -r PyXML-0.8.4/xml/utils /usr/lib/python2.5/xml/


Network Scripts

They do not want you to use these anymore and instead setup the bridging up manually. You want to comment out anything with


in front of it and do it right.

I did not even use the vif-script



Configure Networking and Install

Debian wiki states that the network control scripts that come with Xen are going to be phased out eventually. Goes on to say that you should setup networking yourself.

Note: You need to zero out your eth0 connection or the bridge will stop communication to eth0.

Something like:

ifconfig eth0

You cannot have and address assigned to eth0 and have it bridged at the same time. It will not work. I do not know if an alias would work. Like eth0:0 or whatever.

aptitude install bridge-utils
brctl addbr br0
  • br0 could be anything like: whatever0
ip addr show
  • Just to see interfaces

You now need to add interfaces to the bridge

brctl addif br0 eth0 eth1

To make the bridge perm you need to edit /etc/network/interfaces

Template error: are you trying to use the = sign? Visit Help:Template#Escape template-breaking characters for workarounds.

or something using ethernet aliases:

Template error: are you trying to use the = sign? Visit Help:Template#Escape template-breaking characters for workarounds.

You then could edit /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp but since the networking scripts included with xen may be phased out at any moment you should just configure the domu's to use the bridge. xen-tools will do this if you configure it to. You will need a vif line in the domU config to use the bridge:

vif = ['mac=00:00:00:00:00:00,bridge=xenbr0]
Template error: are you trying to use the = sign? Visit Help:Template#Escape template-breaking characters for workarounds.


bridge_stp off		# disable Spanning Tree Protocol
bridge_waitport 0	# no delay before a port becomes available
bridge_fd 0		# no forwarding delay

Install DomU xen-tools

To configure xen-tools, you can edit /etc/xen-tools/xen-tools.conf which contains default values that the xen-create-image script will use. The xen-create-image(8) manual page contains information on the available options.

xen-create-image --hostname <hostname> --ip <ip> --vcpus 2 --pygrub --dist <lenny|squeeze|maverick|whatever>

Install DomU Debian Installer


VPS Serving to Customers


HyperVM Free and looks like a great product. Does not work with CentOS 6 because CentOS dropped Xen?
  • Xen XCP
  • OpenVZ
  • Virtuzzo
  • ProxMox
  • SolusVM
  • vePortal

Most of these can integrate with a billing platform.



DomU Install Lines and/or Config Files


xen-create-image --hostname ahostname --vcpus 1 --pygrub --dist squeeze

Windows 7

dd if=/dev/zero of=xenwin7.img bs=1024k seek=10000 count=0

Template error: are you trying to use the = sign? Visit Help:Template#Escape template-breaking characters for workarounds.


Android x86

Tested with:

It works fine but ethernet is not supported in ICS. I do not need it right now.

Create disk image:

dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img bs=1024k seek=10000 count=0
Template error: are you trying to use the = sign? Visit Help:Template#Escape template-breaking characters for workarounds.