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Revision as of 10:57, 25 October 2011 by (talk) (=Office 2k7 SP2)

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Office 2007



This works great:

From forum post:

Note: You should never run wine commands as root. Run it as your user. get office 2007 working for me I installed bin32-wine, winetricks and then ran:

$ WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/win32 winecfg
and set windows to xp and then ran:
Note: See winetricks section below!!!
$ WINEPREFIX=~/win32 winetricks msxml3  gdiplus riched20 riched30 vcrun2005sp1 allfonts
$ WINEPREFIX=~/win32 wine setup.exe
and then to actually use any of the executables you must cd to the directory. IE:
$ cd ~/win32/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office12
$ WINEPREFIX=~/win32 wine ./EXCEL.EXE

You could set WINEPREFIX in your bash_profile, or make 32bit wine your default (then you only have to do WINEARCH=win32 winecfg). Anyway the two main problems I had were accidentally emulating 64bit (I know Wine Is Not Emulation) windows instead of 32 bit. Also I found that the programs hang if I didn't cd into the directory, probably because the dlls are linked with the local directory. Anyway everything works this way.

Note: I did not have to run via command or script like the guy does though. To execute the software I could just open it from the applicaiton menu.

Office 2k7 SP2

Download from:

Install with:

WINEPREFIX=~/win32 wine office2007sp2-kb953195-fullfile-en-us.exe


The droid font downloader in winetricks is broken. The url is part of the google git project atm. Either the maintainer of winetricks will update or will change. I just chose to remove the droid font install from the winetricks script. I think you could create a .netrc file with password information in it but I did not test it or do it this way.

If you visit:;a=blob_plain;f=data/fonts/ and generate a password in a webbrowser then put it in ~/.netrc , then run the script without comments...might work.

This is what I did:

sudo nano -w /usr/bin/winetricks

Search for: do_droid You should see this:

do_droid() {
    w_download ${DROID_URL}$1';hb=HEAD'   $3  $1
    w_try cp -f "$W_CACHE"/droid/$1 "$W_FONTSDIR_UNIX"
    w_register_font $1 "$2"
    # See
    do_droid DroidSans-Bold.ttf        "Droid Sans Bold"         560e4bcafdebaf29645fbf92633a2ae0d2f9801f
    do_droid DroidSansFallback.ttf     "Droid Sans Fallback"     64de2fde75868ab8d4c6714add08c8f08b3fae1e
    do_droid DroidSansJapanese.ttf     "Droid Sans Japanese"     b3a248c11692aa88a30eb25df425b8910fe05dc5
    do_droid DroidSansMono.ttf         "Droid Sans Mono"         133fb6cf26ea073b456fb557b94ce8c46143b117
    do_droid DroidSans.ttf             "Droid Sans"              62f2841f61e4be66a0303cd1567ed2d300b4e31c
    do_droid DroidSerif-BoldItalic.ttf "Droid Serif Bold Italic" b7f2d37c3a062be671774ff52f4fd95cbef813ce
    do_droid DroidSerif-Bold.ttf       "Droid Serif Bold"        294fa99ceaf6077ab633b5a7c7db761e2f76cf8c
    do_droid DroidSerif-Italic.ttf     "Droid Serif Italic"      bdd8aad5e6ac546d11e7378bdfabeac7ccbdadfc
    do_droid DroidSerif-Regular.ttf    "Droid Serif"             805c5f975e02f488fa1dd1dd0d44ed4f93b0fab4

Comment it out with:

#do_droid() {
#    w_download ${DROID_URL}$1';hb=HEAD'   $3  $1
#    w_try cp -f "$W_CACHE"/droid/$1 "$W_FONTSDIR_UNIX"
#    w_register_font $1 "$2"
#    # See
#    DROID_URL=';a=blob_plain;f=data/fonts/'
#    do_droid DroidSans-Bold.ttf        "Droid Sans Bold"         560e4bcafdebaf29645fbf92633a2ae0d2f9801f
#    do_droid DroidSansFallback.ttf     "Droid Sans Fallback"     64de2fde75868ab8d4c6714add08c8f08b3fae1e
#    do_droid DroidSansJapanese.ttf     "Droid Sans Japanese"     b3a248c11692aa88a30eb25df425b8910fe05dc5
#    do_droid DroidSansMono.ttf         "Droid Sans Mono"         133fb6cf26ea073b456fb557b94ce8c46143b117
#    do_droid DroidSans.ttf             "Droid Sans"              62f2841f61e4be66a0303cd1567ed2d300b4e31c
#    do_droid DroidSerif-BoldItalic.ttf "Droid Serif Bold Italic" b7f2d37c3a062be671774ff52f4fd95cbef813ce
#    do_droid DroidSerif-Bold.ttf       "Droid Serif Bold"        294fa99ceaf6077ab633b5a7c7db761e2f76cf8c
#    do_droid DroidSerif-Italic.ttf     "Droid Serif Italic"      bdd8aad5e6ac546d11e7378bdfabeac7ccbdadfc
#    do_droid DroidSerif-Regular.ttf    "Droid Serif"             805c5f975e02f488fa1dd1dd0d44ed4f93b0fab4

Save then execute the command from the installation section.