Carbonite and AVG Internet Security 2012 Interaction Fix
AVG Internet Security 2012 not working with Carbonite? I have this fix:
I have not tested Carbonite by installing AVG first and then installing Carbonite. The Carbonite support states that this is a fix for a few issues. I recently had a customers computer that would not backup with AVG enabled. The system had firewall exclusions on the Carbonite processes and no other firewall was enabled. This was a Windows 7 box.
The only way to fix was to enter into the AVG settings and turn off online shield under link scanner. The backup would then work great
To fix this permanently all I had to do was add * to the exclusions list of the online shield.
AVG did not pop up any warnings about blocking anything. Nothing was in the firewall log.
I also added the processes and Carbonite data directory to the resident shield list but as I have said before, when I disabled online shield under link scanner Carbonite would work fine. Unless Online Shield takes note of the Resident Shield exclusions I do not think that Resident Shield has anything to do with it.