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Administrative cmd.exe

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin

Creating Repos


You just have to put .nupkg files in the dir, Chocolatey will parse through them.

Adding Sources

choco source add -name host -source \\host\path\choco\
choco source add -n=name -s\\server\share\folder

Enable/Disable Sources

choco source enable --name
choco source disable --name

General Commands

choco upgrade

Allow Global Confirmation

choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation
choco feature disable -n allowGlobalConfirmation

Remove AddRemovePrograms On Uninstall

choco feature enable -n autoUninstaller
choco feature disable -n autoUninstaller

Upgrade Chocolatey

choco upgrade chocolatey


choco new -h
choco pack -h


zipdetails -vvv flashplayerplugin. 

0000 0004 50 4B 03 04 LOCAL HEADER #1       04034B50
0004 0001 0A          Extract Zip Spec      0A '1.0'
0005 0001 00          Extract OS            00 'MS-DOS'
0006 0002 00 00       General Purpose Flag  0000
0008 0002 00 00       Compression Method    0000 'Stored'
000A 0004 1D 30 0B 47 Last Mod Time         470B301D 'Tue Aug 11 06:00:58 2015'
000E 0004 69 D5 58 8D CRC                   8D58D569
0012 0004 F6 01 00 00 Compressed Length     000001F6
0016 0004 F6 01 00 00 Uncompressed Length   000001F6
001A 0002 0B 00       Filename Length       000B
001C 0002 1C 00       Extra Length          001C
001E 000B 5F 72 65 6C Filename              '_rels/.rels'
          73 2F 2E 72
          65 6C 73
0029 0002 20 A2       Extra ID #0001        A220 'Microsoft Microsoft Open
                                            Packaging Growth Hint'
002B 0002 18 00         Length              0018
002D 0018 28 A0 14 00   Extra Payload       28 A0 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00                       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
0045 01F6 ...         PAYLOAD

023B 0004 50 4B 03 04 LOCAL HEADER #2       04034B50
023F 0001 14          Extract Zip Spec      14 '2.0'
0240 0001 00          Extract OS            00 'MS-DOS'
0241 0002 02 00       General Purpose Flag  0002
                      [Bits 1-2]            2 'Fast Compression'
0243 0002 08 00       Compression Method    0008 'Deflated'
0245 0004 1D 30 0B 47 Last Mod Time         470B301D 'Tue Aug 11 06:00:58 2015'
0249 0004 F7 9D 9A DE CRC                   DE9A9DF7
024D 0004 1D 02 00 00 Compressed Length     0000021D
0251 0004 1B 04 00 00 Uncompressed Length   0000041B
0255 0002 18 00       Filename Length       0018
0257 0002 1C 00       Extra Length          001C
0259 0018 66 6C 61 73 Filename              'flashplayerplugin.nuspec'
          68 70 6C 61
          79 65 72 70
          6C 75 67 69
          6E 2E 6E 75
          73 70 65 63
0271 0002 20 A2       Extra ID #0001        A220 'Microsoft Microsoft Open
                                            Packaging Growth Hint'
0273 0002 18 00         Length              0018
0275 0018 28 A0 14 00   Extra Payload       28 A0 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00                       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
028D 021D ...         PAYLOAD

04AA 0004 50 4B 03 04 LOCAL HEADER #3       04034B50
04AE 0001 14          Extract Zip Spec      14 '2.0'
04AF 0001 00          Extract OS            00 'MS-DOS'
04B0 0002 02 00       General Purpose Flag  0002
                      [Bits 1-2]            2 'Fast Compression'
04B2 0002 08 00       Compression Method    0008 'Deflated'
04B4 0004 1D 30 0B 47 Last Mod Time         470B301D 'Tue Aug 11 06:00:58 2015'
04B8 0004 61 CA 96 2C CRC                   2C96CA61
04BC 0004 BC 01 00 00 Compressed Length     000001BC
04C0 0004 EF 02 00 00 Uncompressed Length   000002EF
04C4 0002 1B 00       Filename Length       001B
04C6 0002 1C 00       Extra Length          001C
04C8 001B 74 6F 6F 6C Filename              'tools/chocolateyInstall.ps1'
          73 2F 63 68
          6F 63 6F 6C
          61 74 65 79
          49 6E 73 74
          61 6C 6C 2E
          70 73 31
04E3 0002 20 A2       Extra ID #0001        A220 'Microsoft Microsoft Open
                                            Packaging Growth Hint'
04E5 0002 18 00         Length              0018
04E7 0018 28 A0 14 00   Extra Payload       28 A0 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00                       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
04FF 01BC ...         PAYLOAD

06BB 0004 50 4B 03 04 LOCAL HEADER #4       04034B50
06BF 0001 0A          Extract Zip Spec      0A '1.0'
06C0 0001 00          Extract OS            00 'MS-DOS'
06C1 0002 00 00       General Purpose Flag  0000
06C3 0002 00 00       Compression Method    0000 'Stored'
06C5 0004 1D 30 0B 47 Last Mod Time         470B301D 'Tue Aug 11 06:00:58 2015'
06C9 0004 1C 9A 2C 9D CRC                   9D2C9A1C
06CD 0004 6C 03 00 00 Compressed Length     0000036C
06D1 0004 6C 03 00 00 Uncompressed Length   0000036C
06D5 0002 51 00       Filename Length       0051
06D7 0002 1C 00       Extra Length          001C
06D9 0051 70 61 63 6B Filename              'package/services/metadata/core-
          61 67 65 2F                       properties/6a29db303ab4492c999903907e
          73 65 72 76                       528f06.psmdcp'
          69 63 65 73
          2F 6D 65 74
          61 64 61 74
          61 2F 63 6F
          72 65 2D 70
          72 6F 70 65
          72 74 69 65
          73 2F 36 61
          32 39 64 62
          33 30 33 61
          62 34 34 39
          32 63 39 39
          39 39 30 33
          39 30 37 65
          35 32 38 66
          30 36 2E 70
          73 6D 64 63
072A 0002 20 A2       Extra ID #0001        A220 'Microsoft Microsoft Open
                                            Packaging Growth Hint'
072C 0002 18 00         Length              0018
072E 0018 28 A0 14 00   Extra Payload       28 A0 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00                       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
0746 036C ...         PAYLOAD

0AB2 0004 50 4B 03 04 LOCAL HEADER #5       04034B50
0AB6 0001 0A          Extract Zip Spec      0A '1.0'
0AB7 0001 00          Extract OS            00 'MS-DOS'
0AB8 0002 00 00       General Purpose Flag  0000
0ABA 0002 00 00       Compression Method    0000 'Stored'
0ABC 0004 1D 30 0B 47 Last Mod Time         470B301D 'Tue Aug 11 06:00:58 2015'
0AC0 0004 55 E0 64 2C CRC                   2C64E055
0AC4 0004 C0 01 00 00 Compressed Length     000001C0
0AC8 0004 C0 01 00 00 Uncompressed Length   000001C0
0ACC 0002 13 00       Filename Length       0013
0ACE 0002 1C 00       Extra Length          001C
0AD0 0013 5B 43 6F 6E Filename              '[Content_Types].xml'
          74 65 6E 74
          5F 54 79 70
          65 73 5D 2E
          78 6D 6C
0AE3 0002 20 A2       Extra ID #0001        A220 'Microsoft Microsoft Open
                                            Packaging Growth Hint'
0AE5 0002 18 00         Length              0018
0AE7 0018 28 A0 14 00   Extra Payload       28 A0 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00                       00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
          00 00 00 00
0AFF 01C0 ...         PAYLOAD

0CBF 0004 50 4B 01 02 CENTRAL HEADER #1     02014B50
0CC3 0001 2D          Created Zip Spec      2D '4.5'
0CC4 0001 00          Created OS            00 'MS-DOS'
0CC5 0001 0A          Extract Zip Spec      0A '1.0'
0CC6 0001 00          Extract OS            00 'MS-DOS'
0CC7 0002 00 00       General Purpose Flag  0000
0CC9 0002 00 00       Compression Method    0000 'Stored'
0CCB 0004 1D 30 0B 47 Last Mod Time         470B301D 'Tue Aug 11 06:00:58 2015'
0CCF 0004 69 D5 58 8D CRC                   8D58D569
0CD3 0004 F6 01 00 00 Compressed Length     000001F6
0CD7 0004 F6 01 00 00 Uncompressed Length   000001F6
0CDB 0002 0B 00       Filename Length       000B
0CDD 0002 00 00       Extra Length          0000
0CDF 0002 00 00       Comment Length        0000
0CE1 0002 00 00       Disk Start            0000
0CE3 0002 00 00       Int File Attributes   0000
                      [Bit 0]               0 'Binary Data'
0CE5 0004 00 00 00 00 Ext File Attributes   00000000
0CE9 0004 00 00 00 00 Local Header Offset   00000000
0CED 000B 5F 72 65 6C Filename              '_rels/.rels'
          73 2F 2E 72
          65 6C 73

0CF8 0004 50 4B 01 02 CENTRAL HEADER #2     02014B50
0CFC 0001 2D          Created Zip Spec      2D '4.5'
0CFD 0001 00          Created OS            00 'MS-DOS'
0CFE 0001 14          Extract Zip Spec      14 '2.0'
0CFF 0001 00          Extract OS            00 'MS-DOS'
0D00 0002 02 00       General Purpose Flag  0002
                      [Bits 1-2]            2 'Fast Compression'
0D02 0002 08 00       Compression Method    0008 'Deflated'
0D04 0004 1D 30 0B 47 Last Mod Time         470B301D 'Tue Aug 11 06:00:58 2015'
0D08 0004 F7 9D 9A DE CRC                   DE9A9DF7
0D0C 0004 1D 02 00 00 Compressed Length     0000021D
0D10 0004 1B 04 00 00 Uncompressed Length   0000041B
0D14 0002 18 00       Filename Length       0018
0D16 0002 00 00       Extra Length          0000
0D18 0002 00 00       Comment Length        0000
0D1A 0002 00 00       Disk Start            0000
0D1C 0002 00 00       Int File Attributes   0000
                      [Bit 0]               0 'Binary Data'
0D1E 0004 00 00 00 00 Ext File Attributes   00000000
0D22 0004 3B 02 00 00 Local Header Offset   0000023B
0D26 0018 66 6C 61 73 Filename              'flashplayerplugin.nuspec'
          68 70 6C 61
          79 65 72 70
          6C 75 67 69
          6E 2E 6E 75
          73 70 65 63

0D3E 0004 50 4B 01 02 CENTRAL HEADER #3     02014B50
0D42 0001 2D          Created Zip Spec      2D '4.5'
0D43 0001 00          Created OS            00 'MS-DOS'
0D44 0001 14          Extract Zip Spec      14 '2.0'
0D45 0001 00          Extract OS            00 'MS-DOS'
0D46 0002 02 00       General Purpose Flag  0002
                      [Bits 1-2]            2 'Fast Compression'
0D48 0002 08 00       Compression Method    0008 'Deflated'
0D4A 0004 1D 30 0B 47 Last Mod Time         470B301D 'Tue Aug 11 06:00:58 2015'
0D4E 0004 61 CA 96 2C CRC                   2C96CA61
0D52 0004 BC 01 00 00 Compressed Length     000001BC
0D56 0004 EF 02 00 00 Uncompressed Length   000002EF
0D5A 0002 1B 00       Filename Length       001B
0D5C 0002 00 00       Extra Length          0000
0D5E 0002 00 00       Comment Length        0000
0D60 0002 00 00       Disk Start            0000
0D62 0002 00 00       Int File Attributes   0000
                      [Bit 0]               0 'Binary Data'
0D64 0004 00 00 00 00 Ext File Attributes   00000000
0D68 0004 AA 04 00 00 Local Header Offset   000004AA
0D6C 001B 74 6F 6F 6C Filename              'tools/chocolateyInstall.ps1'
          73 2F 63 68
          6F 63 6F 6C
          61 74 65 79
          49 6E 73 74
          61 6C 6C 2E
          70 73 31

0D87 0004 50 4B 01 02 CENTRAL HEADER #4     02014B50
0D8B 0001 2D          Created Zip Spec      2D '4.5'
0D8C 0001 00          Created OS            00 'MS-DOS'
0D8D 0001 0A          Extract Zip Spec      0A '1.0'
0D8E 0001 00          Extract OS            00 'MS-DOS'
0D8F 0002 00 00       General Purpose Flag  0000
0D91 0002 00 00       Compression Method    0000 'Stored'
0D93 0004 1D 30 0B 47 Last Mod Time         470B301D 'Tue Aug 11 06:00:58 2015'
0D97 0004 1C 9A 2C 9D CRC                   9D2C9A1C
0D9B 0004 6C 03 00 00 Compressed Length     0000036C
0D9F 0004 6C 03 00 00 Uncompressed Length   0000036C
0DA3 0002 51 00       Filename Length       0051
0DA5 0002 00 00       Extra Length          0000
0DA7 0002 00 00       Comment Length        0000
0DA9 0002 00 00       Disk Start            0000
0DAB 0002 00 00       Int File Attributes   0000
                      [Bit 0]               0 'Binary Data'
0DAD 0004 00 00 00 00 Ext File Attributes   00000000
0DB1 0004 BB 06 00 00 Local Header Offset   000006BB
0DB5 0051 70 61 63 6B Filename              'package/services/metadata/core-
          61 67 65 2F                       properties/6a29db303ab4492c999903907e
          73 65 72 76                       528f06.psmdcp'
          69 63 65 73
          2F 6D 65 74
          61 64 61 74
          61 2F 63 6F
          72 65 2D 70
          72 6F 70 65
          72 74 69 65
          73 2F 36 61
          32 39 64 62
          33 30 33 61
          62 34 34 39
          32 63 39 39
          39 39 30 33
          39 30 37 65
          35 32 38 66
          30 36 2E 70
          73 6D 64 63

0E06 0004 50 4B 01 02 CENTRAL HEADER #5     02014B50
0E0A 0001 2D          Created Zip Spec      2D '4.5'
0E0B 0001 00          Created OS            00 'MS-DOS'
0E0C 0001 0A          Extract Zip Spec      0A '1.0'
0E0D 0001 00          Extract OS            00 'MS-DOS'
0E0E 0002 00 00       General Purpose Flag  0000
0E10 0002 00 00       Compression Method    0000 'Stored'
0E12 0004 1D 30 0B 47 Last Mod Time         470B301D 'Tue Aug 11 06:00:58 2015'
0E16 0004 55 E0 64 2C CRC                   2C64E055
0E1A 0004 C0 01 00 00 Compressed Length     000001C0
0E1E 0004 C0 01 00 00 Uncompressed Length   000001C0
0E22 0002 13 00       Filename Length       0013
0E24 0002 00 00       Extra Length          0000
0E26 0002 00 00       Comment Length        0000
0E28 0002 00 00       Disk Start            0000
0E2A 0002 00 00       Int File Attributes   0000
                      [Bit 0]               0 'Binary Data'
0E2C 0004 00 00 00 00 Ext File Attributes   00000000
0E30 0004 B2 0A 00 00 Local Header Offset   00000AB2
0E34 0013 5B 43 6F 6E Filename              '[Content_Types].xml'
          74 65 6E 74
          5F 54 79 70
          65 73 5D 2E
          78 6D 6C

0E47 0004 50 4B 05 06 END CENTRAL HEADER    06054B50
0E4B 0002 00 00       Number of this disk   0000
0E4D 0002 00 00       Central Dir Disk no   0000
0E4F 0002 05 00       Entries in this disk  0005
0E51 0002 05 00       Total Entries         0005
0E53 0004 88 01 00 00 Size of Central Dir   00000188
0E57 0004 BF 0C 00 00 Offset to Central Dir 00000CBF
0E5B 0002 00 00       Comment Length        0000

auto unpack and auto pack

ls *.zip|awk -F'.zip' '{print "unzip "$0" -d "$1}'|sh


ls *.nupkg|awk -F'.nupkg' '{print "unzip "$0" -d "$1}'|sh
rm *.nupkg
for i in */; do zip -0 -r "${i%/}.zip" "$i"; done
apt-get install mono-complete
