From Hack Sphere Labs Wiki
Revision as of 15:26, 9 October 2013 by Webdawg (talk | contribs) (→Windows Internal (Private Data) Monitoring)
aptitude install nagios3 nagios-plugins nagios-nrpe-plugin nagios3-doc
Set domain if you have one (else leave default) and set login user and password (it should prompt your for both)
At the time I had to apply the fix that is here:
General Ping Monitoring
You put a host config file in the host config directory and restart nagios. It will then pull the new host in.
Contains templates that you can pull into your host config files.
is also where you put your host config files.
- Example
define host{ use generic-host ; Name of host template to use host_name HOSTNAME alias HOSTNAME address }
Save that in
/etc/init.d/nagios3 restart
you should see it pop in
Windows Internal (Private Data) Monitoring
- Configure nagios
nano /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg
- uncomment ycfg_file=/etc/nagios3/objects/windows.cfg
- save
Installing via MSI
- Complete
- Install sample config
- Check all users
- Add allowed host
- check everything except what you are not using
Installing the Windows Agent Manually
- Download the latest stable version of the NSClient++ addon from
- Unzip the NSClient++ files into a new C:\NSClient++ directory
- Open a command prompt and change to the C:\NSClient++ directory
- Register the NSClient++ system service with the following command:
nscp.exe service --install
- Open the services manager and make sure the NSClientpp service is allowed to interact with the desktop (see the 'Log On' tab of the services manager). If it isn't already allowed to interact with the desktop, check the box to allow it to.
- create a nsclient.ini file
- start service/reboot/run command to start